網友張思慶所提供的... 聯合利華 (Unilever) 多芬 (Dove) 自信基金 (Self-Esteem Fund) 的廣告。
這兩個廣告都使用了當年 Cyndi Lauper 於 1986 年登上 Billboard 第一名(全年第 13 名)的經典老歌 True Colors 當背景音樂;可說是意境與意思完整呈現了基金的觀點。
You with the sad eyes
don't be discouraged
oh I realize
it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people
you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you
can make you fell so small
But I see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow
Show me a smile then
don't be unhappy, can't remember
when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up
because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow
這是當年的 MV ……
True Colors
Cyndi Lauper, True Colors, 1986
■ 延伸閱讀:其他的多芬自信基金廣告:
自學韓文之短文閱讀:커피 문화、한국의 사계절
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