Heselden 是英國億萬富豪,去年底才買下賽格威,日前被發現陳屍英國西約克夏 Wharfe 河谷,身旁還有一台越野型賽格威。警方研判 Heselden 是騎著該台賽格威不慎摔落河谷致死,排除任何他殺嫌疑。
賽格威公司也在網站中發表聲明,表達對老闆的哀悼,並推崇老闆此生的慈善行止:「It is with great sadness that we have to confirm that Jimi Heselden OBE, has died in a tragic accident near his home in West Yorkshire. Jimi Heselden, 62, was Chairman of Hesco Bastion Ltd, the world leading manufacturer of protective barriers and owner of Segway Inc. Jimi is perhaps best known for his charity work with Help for Heroes and the Leeds Community Foundation. A £10m gift to the Foundation earlier this month saw his lifetime charitable donations top £23m. Our thoughts go out to his family and many friends, who have asked for privacy at this time.」
礦工出身的 Heselden 因創辦 Hesco Bastion 承包戰地防禦用防爆鋼網生意而致富,擁有約 80 億台幣身價,並以慈善著稱,常年捐助家鄉里茲(Leeds),如今遭此橫禍,而且是死於自身所投資與喜愛的產品,令人不勝唏噓。